JTB 仙台支店(法人営業専門支店)


Day of the WeekHours
月曜日9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
火曜日9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
水曜日9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
木曜日9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
金曜日9:30 AM - 5:30 PM


宮城県 仙台市 青葉区 一番町4-6-1


法人および団体向け店舗となります。個人旅行のお客様はJTBトラベルゲート仙台 TEL022-264-0922までお問い合わせください。


  • JTB仙台支店のご連絡先について



    ☆営業1課 電話:022-263-6712

    ☆営業2課 電話:022-263-6713

    ☆ 教育営業課 電話:022-263-6714


  • 【お勧めの宿のご紹介】宮城県・秋保温泉「ホテルニュー水戸屋」

    仙台の奥座敷 秋保温泉・ホテルニュー水戸屋
    仙台市内中心部より車で約30分。 3つの大浴場・16の趣が異なる湯船で 館内にいながら心ゆくまで湯めぐりが 楽しめます。和洋約30種類以上のバイキングメニューから選べる朝食、ゆとりのあるプライベート空間を楽しめる「思いのまま」や少人数様から大型団体まで受入可能な宴会場などご人数様に応じて夕食会場をお選び頂けます。料理は宮城ならでは四季折々の厳選素材を吟味、料理長自慢のお料理でおもてなしいたします。東北ならではのこだわりの地酒もご用意、非日常空間を演出します。温泉と食との贅沢な時間をお楽しみください。

  • 12月13日(金)直行便で行く徳島3日間催行決定!


  • Michinoku Coastal Hiking Trail - 7 Days A Model of Resilience and Nature Regeneration

    Tohoku region of Japan is made up of the northernmost 6 prefecture on the main island, Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Sendai, Yamagata and Fukushima. This area boasts great natural beauty and an abundance of natural resources, such as delicious fresh seafood.
    On March 11, 2011, the Tohoku Pacific Coast area was devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake. After more than 10 years of disaster recovery within the area, you can see the beautiful scenery that has not changed from before the earthquake and witness the lives of local people who have risen up against these adversities as you walk along the Michinoku Coastal trail and participate in activities unique to this area.
    While learning about the disaster and interacting with local residents, this 7-day trip offers you a chance to contemplate "life", not only that of yourself, but also of others, as well as life within our natural surroundings. You will also get a new perspective on living with the natural environment in a sustainable way through learning how the locals have lived with nature in everyday life.

  • Michinoku Coastal Hiking Trail - 3 Days Southern route Soma~Natori~Matshishima area

    Tohoku region of Japan is made up of the northernmost 6 prefecture on the main island, Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Sendai, Yamagata and Fukushima. This area boasts great natural beauty and an abundance of natural resources, such as delicious fresh seafood.
    On March 11, 2011, the Tohoku Pacific Coast area was devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake. After more than 10 years of disaster recovery within the area, you can see the beautiful scenery that has not changed from before the earthquake and witness the lives of local people who have risen up against these adversities as you walk along the Michinoku Coastal trail and participate in activities unique to this area.
    While learning about the disaster and interacting with local residents, this 3-day trip offers you a chance to contemplate "life", not only that of yourself, but also of others, as well as life within our natural surroundings. You will also get a new perspective on living with the natural environment in a sustainable way through learning how the locals have lived with nature in everyday life.

  • Michinoku Coastal Hiking Trail - 3 Days Central route Rikuzentakata~Ofunato~Miyako area

    Tohoku region of Japan is made up of the northernmost 6 prefecture on the main island, Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Sendai, Yamagata and Fukushima. This area boasts great natural beauty and an abundance of natural resources, such as delicious fresh seafood.
    On March 11, 2011, the Tohoku Pacific Coast area was devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake. After more than 10 years of disaster recovery within the area, you can see the beautiful scenery that has not changed from before the earthquake and witness the lives of local people who have risen up against these adversities as you walk along the Michinoku Coastal trail and participate in activities unique to this area.
    While learning about the disaster and interacting with local residents, this 3-day trip offers you a chance to contemplate "life", not only that of yourself, but also of others, as well as life within our natural surroundings. You will also get a new perspective on living with the natural environment in a sustainable way through learning how the locals have lived with nature in everyday life.


  • Michinoku Coastal Hiking Trail - 3 Days Northern route Tanohata~Kuji~Hachinohe area

    Tohoku region of Japan is made up of the northernmost 6 prefecture on the main island, Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Sendai, Yamagata and Fukushima. This area boasts great natural beauty and an abundance of natural resources, such as delicious fresh seafood.
    On March 11, 2011, the Tohoku Pacific Coast area was devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake. After more than 10 years of disaster recovery within the area, you can see the beautiful scenery that has not changed from before the earthquake and witness the lives of local people who have risen up against these adversities as you walk along the Michinoku Coastal trail and participate in activities unique to this area.
    While learning about the disaster and interacting with local residents, this 3-day trip offers you a chance to contemplate "life", not only that of yourself, but also of others, as well as life within our natural surroundings. You will also get a new perspective on living with the natural environment in a sustainable way through learning how the locals have lived with nature in everyday life.

  • JTBが考えるグローバル&MICEトータルサポートのご案内


  • JTB仙台支店はリガーレ仙台を応援しています!


    リガーレはラテン語で「つなぐ」「結ぶ」を意味し、たくさんのつながりを生み出し強い絆で結ばれるチームになるという想いが込められています。 リガーレ仙台はバレーボールを通じてファン・地域・選手を「結び」熱い情熱を持って地域に愛されるチームを目指します。



  • 『大崎耕土フィールドミュージアムトレイン』  ~大崎耕土の大地の恵み「日本酒」を味わうトレイン~New!

    JTBから日帰り列車企画のご案内です。 『大崎耕土フィールドミュージアムトレイン』 ~大崎耕土の大地の恵み「日本酒」を味わうトレイン~
    2024年11月9日(土)出発限定 「風っこ号」利用 旅行代金お一人様13,800円 大崎耕土の風景を眺めながら大崎耕土の日本酒「一ノ蔵」「宮寒梅」と農家の特製弁当を堪能する列車です。
    問い合わせ先:JTB仙台支店 営業第一課 TEL:022-263-6712(平日9:30~17:30)

  • 屋根を開放したオープントップバスで四季を感じながらのバス旅行をご提案

    ~未体験ゾーンへ~ 屋根を解放した2階席(地上約3.5m)からの 眺望は自然や風を感じながら新しい視点で 観光することができます。 春には桜・新緑の息吹きを感じながら 秋には紅葉の絶景を間近に感じながら 空を眺めながらゆったりと 普段とは異なる視点から自然を満喫するのは いかがでしょうか。 無線LAN(Wi-Fi)搭載で快適なネット環境 ビールサーバー・電子レンジも設置しており 団体・グループのお客様向けに楽しい空間を 提供致します。 お気軽にご相談承ります





総合旅行業務取扱管理者:猪腰 亮

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